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2016 ASA Lapping event #3

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Slowboi - Aaron W.'s picture

All photograph credit: Luke E.

The Alberta Solo Association half-track event was held at Castrol raceway in Alberta on July 24th 2016. This is an event where a variety of car types and different levels of skilled drivers come out to do a non-timed lapping event with point by passing.

Being a half track event, the West side of the track is used for the ASA event and the East side of the event is occupied by the drift groups. This is a great set up for the price. Since the cost of the track is split it creates a cost effective event where for around $100 you can enjoy an evening of lapping for a very reasonable cost.

Due to it being an ASA event, the drivers that attend are predominantly autocross guys. The advanced group, that I was in, was filled with some very good drivers. Autocross in general is a very niche motorsport. To be competitive in this sport you have to really be willing to “go for it” and drive at the absolute limit of your car’s adhesion. Due to the nature of the sport the speeds remain fairly low and the cost for losing control of your car? Maybe a few squished pylons.

When you throw that balls to the walls driving mindset on a full road course where you can easily reach 100+ kmph,… whoa momma! Watch out! These guys drove HARD. Overall they were very safe and followed the passing rules to the letter but in one 20 minute session I saw no less than three vehicles go off track. The off track events were nothing short of spectacular. No,no,no there wouldn’t be any slow speed dips onto the grass here gents. We are talking full speed 720 degree smokey spinouts where you end up doing some gradening 100 feet from the track. Kudos to these guys for letting it all hang out as it shaped up to be an all-out hard core lapping day with some great (friendly) competition.

My suggestion to anyone looking to attend? If you’re not looking to drive your car at the absolute edge opt for the beginner run group as the advanced group didn’t leave any room for error nor did it leave any room for those looking for a spirited but casual cruise around the track. It was a let-it-all-hang-out on the track type session where you had to focus on your position as it was likely someone during your session would go over their limits of adhesion and end up sideways in a plume of tire smoke.

I for one will be looking forward to attending some of these events next season as although it was casually run with friendly drivers in attendance there was a lot of fast cars and good wheel to wheel type racing and passing.